I was watching a certain show on a certain Christian television network last night. And not to knock this network specifically (all their shows aren’t particularly like this), but I thought it was interesting…well, I’ll just say it…it was embarrassing to me as a Christian, that the host’s conversation always seemed to meander back around to money.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it takes money to operate a television network. A lot of money, in fact. There are satellites, cameras, A/V equipment, hundreds of crew persons, facilities and payments and taxes.
And don’t forget all those elaborate stage settings. Gold trimmed draperies. Gold and purple thrones, I mean…chairs for the hosts and guests to lounge around in while they sip bottled water from crystal stemware.
There’s “The Holy Land Experience” theme park (Is it just me, or does that keep making me think of Tim Allen in For Richer or Poorer?). That takes a boatload of donated money to operate…even though admission is still like $40 a head.
You’ve got all the private planes. Helicopters. Limousines. “Mission” trips, abroad. All the tailored suits and executive salaries.
Christianity is expensive, man.
And apparently, it’s up to me and you to make sure the devil doesn’t have nicer stuff than the Christian TV people do.
Honestly…there are some Christian television shows that are like a never-ending telethon. And I wonder, when is enough, enough?
How much does it cost to be a Christian?
Here’s part of my thinking…why don’t some of these mega-global-gigantic companies that sell Christian products and services (music, concerts, seminars, retreats, camps, jewelry, bibles, books, gifts, home décor, clothing, clergy items, colleges and universities, etc…) sponsor these shows? They could cover the costs of the broadcast, then the hosts could actually host their show instead of hounding me and you for money.
But could that possibly, ever work??? It’s so radical…right? They give money to the network, then the network plugs them or one of their products…
I think it’s called…“advertising” And believe it or not, non-Christian networks, radio, print publications, even websites seem to have done pretty well with the concept.
I’ve noticed, not just last night, but over the last few months of channel surfing, that several key program hosts are not shy about just coming right out and asking for our financial support. And it’s almost presented as sacrilege if we doubt their sincerity.
And if you’re struggling financially, then God’s message (through them, of course) is that you should give anyway. (I know about the theology of giving toward your need, but I’m talking about common sense finances here.)
It starts small…a dollar…a day...for a year…automatically deducted from your checking account. Or something like that.
Then it’s $100…from 1,000 “believers”. (That’s $100,000 dollars, by the way.)
Then it’s “sowing a seed” of $5,000, $10,000, maybe $20,000. Or more!
I don’t know about you, but $20,000 would probably take care of one of our local church budgets for the entire year.
Because the building never had a dime borrowed on it and was probably built by the sweat and skills of the members. The preacher preaches three times a week. For free. Then works full and part time jobs “on the side” so he and his family can ride 30 miles to church in a 15 year –old, faded yellow Caprice that smokes like Betty Davis and smells like burning cabbage.
They don’t pay some premium landscaping company to keep things trimmed, planted and mulched. The elders take turns cutting the grass on their old Snappers, the WMU plants flowers every Spring and the youth choir keeps fresh pine straw in the beds, raked from the yard of a member with a front yard full of white pines.
Nobody ever has to ask, beg or promote a new fund-raising plan. And amazingly, everything still gets done.
Just how much does it cost to be a Christian?
Here in North Georgia, apparently not as much as it does in Southern California or in New York.
How much does it cost to be saved? To be reborn? To have access to the Word of God being preached. Or sung? Or written, read or taught?
How much does it cost to be a Christian?
Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Take-away - Don’t allow yourself to be caught in the trap of “money makes the world go ‘round”. Remember Proverbs 3:5… “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path.”
Today’s Prayer – Father, please help me to remember that You own and control this world and everything in it. And when I lose focus on You and Your glory and Your purpose, please help me to turn back to You and to seek You and the things that honor You. Help me remember that even though our society operates financially, through the use of money, it will never be my master. You are the only master I desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Just as we have to live in a budget, the Church must also do the same. The problem arises when the church starts living way above their budget and expects the congregation to channel in more money to attain that status quoa. It is a lot like Washington currently spending more money that they don't have and taxing the taxpayers more. Both are bad economics. When your debt exceeds your income, you are going to be headed into bad problems.