Friday, September 11, 2009


With today being the anniversary of 9/11 (has it really been eight years already?), I felt like today’s posting should be tied to that idea. I thought and searched and studied. Nothing. No scripture. No title. Nothing.

Then as an absolute last resort, I prayed. :)

I asked God to please give me something that would be meaningful and relevant. Something that would make people think about Him. Something that would meet people where they were, giving them the answers they need, for whatever questions may be cropping up for this day. These are good requests, right?

Funny thing.

I realized, at the eleventh hour (the prime time for realizations) that this kind of seeking and passion should be a part of every day’s devotion. Why is today so important, and yesterday was not? What about tomorrow? Or last Tuesday? Or June…I don’t know…17th?

I was ashamed that I had put so little focus on my everydays.

So today, there is no verse or scripture. No clever tie-in to the events of September 11. No play on words. No inspiring quote. No poem or lyric or excerpt from some inspiring author. Just me, trying desperately not to mess things up.

I believe today is worthy of remembering, but not because of our calendars.

Even though there are days in our history that carry great importance for us, I believe that today, Christ is yearning for me to stop working so hard at the fanfare of only the “special days” and to start making Him the underlying focus of my everydays as well.

God help us treat tomorrow with the same intensity, respect and desire as we do, today.

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