I know…how long has it been since anyone said “gettin’ jiggy” with anything? Unless of course, they were talking about Fresh Prince of Bel Aire?
At my day job, I’m in charge of drawing a monthly masterpiece (ok, a dry erase sketch), promoting our upcoming Safety Raffle. I admit though, it’s fun and I get license to draw pretty much whatever I want. And over the months, it’s become kind of a “thing” with my peers. Everyone is always asking me what I’m drawing or sending suggestions. So you could say I’m sort of, dare we say “famous” for it?
Well, for Thanksgiving I was struggling with what to draw. Traditional? Unusual? Serious? Funny?
And after several days of temple-tapping I did finally decide to draw a Gansta Turkey. Complete with bling, slack, a lid and kicks. And holding a huge, gold necklace that sported a Walmart gift card (our raffle prize).

But I needed a saying to go with it. So, unable to think of anything, I asked Cretia, my wife, if she had any bursts of genius to go with it.
She sent several things, right away of course, one of them being “Safety…gettin’ jiggy wid it.”
I laughed out loud. It was so bad, it was funny. It was hilarious even.
Actually, it was perfect.
“Gettin’ jiggy wid it” was so out of date and unlike anything I would normally say…it was just right.
Why? Because it got people’s attention. It made them look. It made them notice.
And my job, as the resident artist, is not to make everyone safe or smart or better workers or to make them like the drawings, say nice things to me or be led to foster a positive work environment. My job is to draw…period. To plant the seed. The rest is out of my control.
And I thought, that’s the way Christ expects us to be too. And many of you know this is a concept I’ve talked about, many times…controversially, to some. :)
Christ needs seeds. Sowers. Not growers. Not waterers. Not pruners or trimmers or fertilizers. Christ needs us to sow His seeds of love and hope and salvation…then back off. He knows what He’s doing.
I can’t talk someone into loving Jesus. I can’t coerce them into heaven. I can’t convince you to follow Christ. That’s completely beyond my abilities. But the Holy Spirit can. And He will. But as followers of Him, we start the process by sowing the seed, first.
Then if people don’t like it, okay. If they reject it, okay. If they accept it, fantastic! But we have to realize that it’s not our thing to meddle with the seed once it’s cast.
That’s God’s job…so let Him do it.
Today’s prayer: Father, as I go through today and every day, please help me to remember that You bless me with talents and abilities that allow me to sow the seed of You in people’s hearts. Help me to understand that You alone have the power to save them and complete the work of salvation that You allow me to be a part of. I trust You and ask for Your help in making me a better steward of Your grace and to be more trusting of Your ability to do all that You desire. In Jesus’ name…Amen.
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